- Program & Class: Scrap Quilts and More
- Speaker: Diane Harris; Stash Bandit Quilting Shenanigans

Our August speaker and instructor is Diane Harris of Stash Bandit Quilting Shenanigans, a quilter who loves everything about the process and enjoys sharing it with others. She’s been sewing for almost 50 years and quilting for three decades.
For 11 years, Diane was an editor for Quiltmaker magazine where she wrote patterns, product reviews and how-to articles. Her quilt designs can still be seen regularly in the pages of Quiltmaker, McCall’s Quilting and Quick Quilts magazines.
Morning Presentation
The morning presentation will feature a trunk show of more than 50 scrap quilts. Diane will offer insight on why you want to create a scrap quilt and how to make a successful scrap quilt. You’ll learn how to:
- pull your scraps together,
- strategies for using your stash
- learning what doesn’t work

Afternoon Workshop
After her presentation during our regular 10am meeting time, she’s conducting a workshop from 1:00-3:00 p.m. which will include:
- easy quilt labels
- binding by machine
- plexi-previews
- improvisational quilting techniques
The cost of the workshop is $40.00 and includes lunch. You may pay the day of the meeting, but attendees need to contact lmarceau1123@gmail.com ahead of time.